Clear Field Value Post-Function

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Clear Field Value Post-Function

This is the documentation of JSU for Jira Cloud. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or on Jira Data Center, see our JSU Server/Data Center documentation.


The Clear Field Value post function clears the specified field after a transition has been completed. This can be a system or a custom field. The field can be on the issue in transition(within the same issue) or on a related issue, such as a subtask, a linked issue, or an issue within an Epic (during the transition on the Epic). For example, if an issue is moved to re-open, you might want to clear the fix version or due date so new values can be entered.


You can add any number of fields to be cleared. Select the Add button + to add additional fields to your configuration.

Post function options

Issue relation

Perform As User

Asynchronous execution

Supported field types