Edit a Jira workflow

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Edit a Jira workflow


This is the documentation for JSU for Jira Cloud. To learn how to edit a workflow with JSU for Jira Server or Data Center, see our Server/Data Center documentation.

When building automation rules with JSU, you begin with a draft version of your project’s workflow.

If you already have a project(s) in your Jira instance start reading from Edit the workflow of an existing project.

Edit the workflow of a new project

To edit a workflow in Jira, you need to start with a project. Log in as a Jira admin and start by creating a new company-managed (Classic) project in Jira. You will need this to set up a simple workflow automation with JSU.

  1. Click Create project, then select the project template you want to use. In this example, we use the Task Tracking template.

  2. Enter a name for your project, then select Company-managed for your project type.
    The Create project page may look different depending on the template you select, so ensure that you choose Company-managed when the option is displayed. The project key is automatically derived from the project name. This forms the prefix of your issue keys so you may want to change it to something more descriptive for your users.

  3. Click Create. Your new project is created with preconfigured issue types and a workflow based on the Task Management template we selected.

  4. In your project's left sidebar menu, select Project settings > Workflows. Your project's workflow scheme and assigned workflow display on the Workflows page. Click the Edit (pencil) icon under Actions

    This opens a draft version of your workflow. You can then select your transition, and edit and publish your workflow as required. You can edit your workflow in Text or Diagram view.
    With JSU you will be configuring workflow transitions by adding post functions and conditions to build your rules. Follow our example in See JSU in Action and learn how to create your first workflow automation rules easily.


Edit the workflow of an existing project

The quickest way to edit the workflow of an existing Jira project depends on your starting location in Jira. 

Option 1: JSU button

If you’re on an Agile board of the project for the workflow that you want to edit:

  1. Select JSU at the top right of the board, then select Edit Workflow.

  2. Confirm the workflow that you want to edit then click Submit. You’ll be redirected to the Workflows page for your chosen project.

  3. Click Edit in the corresponding Issues Workflows page to switch to Edit mode. This creates a draft of the workflow. You can then select your transition, and edit and publish your workflow as required. You can edit your workflow in Text or Diagram mode.
    With JSU, you will configure workflow transitions by adding post functions and conditions to build your rules. Follow our example in See JSU in Action and learn how to create your first workflow automation rules easily.

Option 2: JSU Get Started page

You can select a project and a particular workflow from the Get Started page in JSU.

  1. Wherever your starting location is in Jira, select JSU Automation Suite for Jira Workflows from the Apps drop-down menu.


  2. On the Get Started page, click Start Customizing.

  3. Select your desired project and workflow, then click Submit. You’ll be redirected to the Workflows page for your chosen project.

  4. Click Edit in the corresponding Issues Workflows page to switch to Edit mode. This creates a draft of the workflow. You can then select your transition, and edit and publish your workflow as required. You can edit your workflow in Text or Diagram mode.
    With JSU you will be configuring workflow transitions by adding post functions and conditions to build your rules. Follow our example in See JSU in Action and learn how to create your first workflow automation rules easily.

Now you’re ready to start customizing your workflow!

You can see a quick example in JSU in Action, or follow some step-by-step guides in our use cases. Our Configuration Guide describes all the parameters you can use when building rules with post functions, conditions, and our pre-conditions.