Universal Rule Builder
  • BETA
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    Universal Rule Builder

    A new editor experience

    JSU’s Universal Rule Builder BETA is a faster and simpler way to build and visualize automation rules for your Jira workflows. You can build simple or complex rules from a single place, eliminating the need to navigate through Jira multiple times to add your desired workflow changes with JSU. The Universal Rule Builder lets you review your complete rule summary, edit the component configurations, or change their order before saving the rule, so you can quickly configure and fine-tune the rules you want from the start.

    What’s in the beta release?

    We have included simplified versions of two of our most popular post functions for you to try out, but don’t worry; all of your existing JSU rules are safe. The new feature will not change or replace anything in your existing rules. You can still create and edit rules in the usual way, using individual components (post function, precondition, or conditions) in the old editor experience. New rules that you build with the Universal Rule Builder are managed strictly through the new editor.

    The beta version of the Universal Rule Builder provides a new way to use the following features:

    • Update Any Issue Field post function

    • Trigger a Linked Transition post function

    • Related Issue Status precondition (new IF precondition that you can add to a post function)

    We will continue to release more features to the Universal Rule Builder with your feedback, and we will provide you with an opportunity to share your thoughts in the app.

    Beta limitations

    • Update Any Issue Field: This post function can only be performed within the same issue; there are no issue relation options. Only new Summary or Description field values can be defined.

    • Trigger a Linked Transition: This post function can apply only to parent or subtask.

    • Run as User: Rules are always executed as the JSU User.

    How can I access the Universal Rule Builder?

    You can access the Universal Rule Builder through the Add Post Function option when editing a draft workflow in Jira. Like all JSU features, the Universal Rule Builder can only be used when working with company-managed projects.

    1. Navigate to your project workflow and select Edit to create a draft.

    2. In Diagram mode, select the arrow for the transition that will trigger your rule. Alternatively, in Text mode, select the transition name.

    3. Select Post Functions from the Options menu. If you are in Text mode, select the Post Functions tab.

    4. Select Add Post Function.

    5. Select the Access the Universal Rule Builder from JSU post function, and then select Add at the bottom of the page. The Universal Rule Builder displays.

    Build a rule with the Universal Rule Builder

    On the left side of the Universal Rule Builder, you can see the rule overview, starting with a WHEN statement representing your selected transition. The components you use to build your rule are displayed on the right side. If you want to change the triggering transition, you need to navigate back to the workflow editor in Jira, select a transition, and then add the post function for the Universal Rule Builder again.

    We recommend that you build and test your rules in a test project.

    To help you get started, we will add a simple rule to trigger a transition on a linked issue.

    Step 1: Select a component
    In the All Components list, select your required component. It displays in the rule overview. In this example, we selected the Trigger a Linked Transition post function.

    Step 2: Configure the component
    Set the parameters for your component to define the outcome of your rule.
    What: Select the type of issue that you want to transition to the new status. Here, we selected the Subtask(s) of the parent.
    Where: Select the status that you want to move the issue to. You can filter the list of available statuses by selecting a different workflow if required under Advanced/Optional settings.

    (Optional): Add more components
    Select Add Component to display the list of available options.

    To change the order of a component within the rule Overview, simply drag it to the desired location. To remove a component, select the More options menu (), then select Delete Component.

    Step 3: Name your rule
    In the Name field, enter a name. Choose a name that helps you identify what the rule does.

    Step 4: Save your rule
    Select Add below the Overview to save your rule. Your complete rule is displayed in the Post Functions tab on the selected transition page. If you want to make any changes, select the Edit icon for the corresponding rule.

    Step 5: Publish your draft workflow
    Select Publish Draft at the top of the draft Workflow page, and then test out your rule by creating some test issues and subtasks.

    See My Workflows to learn how to view all your saved JSU rules in one place.