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This is the documentation of JSU for Jira Server/Data Center. If you are using JSU on Jira Cloud, see ourĀ JSU Cloud documentation.
This page provides general troubleshooting tips for the JSU app. If you encounter problems using a particular module, please refer to the documentation or search our knowledge base. We recommend that you test your workflows in a test project or separate test instance before committing your rules in production.
If you have read our documentation, analyzed your log files, and tried different configurations, yet continue to have issues, get in touch with our Support team.
Some or all functionality not working
In rare cases, Jira may have difficulty enabling JSU. Usually, this can be solved by uninstalling/re-installing, reset, or reload.
We recommend checking the following:
Manage add-ons: is the JSUĀ app enabled, and all modules enabled?
Check your log files, serious problems usually leave a stacktrace. Do you see a reference to a class
(to determine which module cannot be loaded)?Re-install theĀ app
Reinstall JSUĀ
Have you tried to remove the JSUĀ app and reinstall it in the Jira administration? (Without restarting Jira)
See alsoĀ Atlassian's guidance on uninstalling add-ons.
If reinstalling JSU in Jira administration does not work, try it with a restart of Jira:Ā
Uninstall JSU
Stop Jira
Perform a backup of your Jira installation and database
If you could not uninstall JSU before, delete the file
Delete the following two directories:
Ā and$JIRA_HOME/plugins/.osgi-plugins
(they will be recreated)Start Jira
Install JSU
No configurations (for example workflow or customer field related) will be removed when reinstalling, however, it's always a good idea to perform a backup.
Install an older version JSU
Follow the steps to reinstall the app, but install an older version.
You might lose some functionality or potentially re-introduce some bugs that have been fixed in a newer version. Generally, it is not a good idea to downgrade JSU.
If you have saved any configuration with a newer version of JSU, the configuration might not be compatible with an older version of JSU. (We provide only compatibility for updates of JSU).
Bean dependency problems with messages in the log file
In rare cases, we have had reports that users received a 404 error message in the browser, for example when navigating toĀ JSU General Configuration. Checking the log file there have been messages similar to the following:
Error creating bean with name 'com.googlecode.jsu.actions.ConfigurationAction': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with index 0 of type
This was because of a conflict with another add-on. We resolved this issue in JSU version 2.5.2. We recommend updating to the latest version of JSU.
Debug the JSUĀ app
To enable JSU debug messages:
Temporarily (until next Jira restart):
Log in as a Jira administrator and go to System > Troubleshooting and Support > Logging & Profiling.
Locate and select Configure logging level for another package.
asĀ Package nameĀ and selectĀ DEBUGĀ asĀ Logging Level
Repeat for
Add the following lines to the fileĀ WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
log4j.category.com.googlecode.jsu = DEBUG, filelog
log4j.additivity.com.googlecode.jsu = false
log4j.category.ch.beecom.jira.jsu = DEBUG, filelog
log4j.additivity.ch.beecom.jira.jsu = false
Debug log messages are very detailed. Your log file will grow very quickly, and the performance of the whole system can be affected.
We recommend enabling the logging only for a very short time on debug log level.