Testing and Fixing Bugs

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Testing and Fixing Bugs


This is the documentation for JSU for Jira Cloud. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or on Jira Data Center, see the Server/Data Center documentation.

One of our most common use cases is when customers interconnect the workflows of testers and developers to resolve bugs. This is illustrated in the workflow below.

  1. When a test fails and the tester clicks the NOK (Not OK) transition, a new bug issue is created and linked to the test automatically. With every bug the tester finds, this process can be repeated and a new bug issue is created.
    See our Create a Linked Issue post function to learn more.

  2. The test is automatically set to “Ready for Re-Test” after all the related bugs are fixed. The fix version is copied to the test so the testers know which version needs to be retested.
    See our Linked Transition post function to learn more.

  3. When a test passes and no bugs are found, the tester selects the Ok transition. All the linked bug issues which are now fixed, are closed automatically.
    See our Linked Transition post function to learn more.

JSU Cloud interconnected workflows

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Demo video

Watch our demo video to see these rules in action.