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How to add line breaks to text added with post functions

To format the description, you need to make sure the Description field is wiki rendered type and you're using the latest version of the JSU app.
You can change the description type on http://YOUR_INSTANCE_URL/secure/admin/ViewIssueFields.jspa


You can create a line break for the text in the issue Description (for example), by including \\ in the text you define - add \\ before the appended text or after the prepended text, OR by adding it as a separator.


Perform the below steps to obtain a multiline description.

  1. Within the post function of your choice, in our example “Create A Linked Issue”, under Sub-Functions add “Copy to New” to copy the original description, if you pretend to have the original description.

  2. Then under Sub-Functions, add a “Set” and fill it with the text you pretend to append or prepend. To achieve the multiline description, use the backslashes as separator: \\ .


  3. After saving, the complete post-function will look similar to the below.


  4. Then, publish the workflow changes, so the workflow is active.

  5. Perform the transition you configured. The result should look like the one below. The prepended text is added first and separated by a line break from the original description. The appended text goes after the original description and has a line break before it.

It’s possible to add as many breaks as you want. Make sure to add a space before and after the backslashes, like so \\ .

If you’re having trouble saving spaces, use the notation:    this space will not be consumed.