This is the documentation of JSU for Jira Cloud. If you are using JSU on Jira Server or on Jira Data Center, you can find the documentation here.


The value field precondition allows you to check whether a field on the issue matches a value.

For more complex scenarios or to combine several Value Field Preconditions, you might use a JQL Precondition.


You must specify the field you want to check, the operation you want to perform, and the value you want to check against – although you can also check against an empty value.

If a field can have multiple values (e. g., components), the precondition matches if one of the values is contained – or if it is not contained.

The following matching rules apply:


An update field post function is added to the create transition. A new comment should be created when the number of story points is exceeded, telling the user to break up the story.

Supported Fields