As you might be able to see from the above images, our Cloud post-function is missing a value for the “All other sibling issues (for example linking to the target with the same link type) must have one of the following statusesTransition” field, whereas the Server field contains the “Done” transition that has an ID of “31”here.
If you remember our “Missing transition” warning from the post-migration report, it also told us that a transition with ID “31” couldn’t be found. Now that we’ve found the misconfiguration, This is likely to be related to that, so let’s fix it.
On your Cloud side, edit the misconfigured post-function and add ensure the correct transition values are added to the empty field value “Transition” values (in our case we need to add “Done”the same workflow with transition “Done” and ID “31”) and then save your changes by clicking “Update”.